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Creative Crew By


Our Creators

Creative Adventure Creators

Ky Pham

Co-founder / Development Lead
A lifetime challenges embracer who has been leading diverse teams in high-tech companies across US, EU & Asia countries to deliver new solutions to society.

Do Bui

Co-founder / Operation Lead
An aspiring operation professional who never stops learning to drive possibilities to people’s lives by decent teamwork, courage & GOOD Will.
Serving a bigger mission, Our adventure is purpose-driven

Commitments create our identity​

Our Quality

We commit to the finest creative work, proven by our users’ fascinatingly beautiful smiles and our clients’ vision fulfilled.
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Your Success

We are passionate about y(our) success. We highly value long-term partnerships that fuel sustainable growth with purposeful drives.
Success Image

Community Values

Growing is dueled with Sharing, at least 5% of our annual equity, profit, time & effort would be dedicated to the community.
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At CreativeAdventure


Join our adventure...

Become a part of the Crew

Get inspired, unleash your creativity and be engaged with what you love. We are operating fully remote & enjoying virtual teamwork with our multinational crew members. If you find a match in our values, vision & philosophy, then Bingo! Bring your opportunities onboard.

WordPress Dev.

Opportunity to experience the real teamwork in Agile software development life cycle (SDLC) by involving in implementing outstanding WordPress-based websites.


Graphic Designer

Passionate in functional aesthetic? Leave your marks on the design that will be seen by millions, and contribute to delivering meaningful messages to people.
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